Lifestyle Blogger Medan: Cinta Laut, Ratusan Mangrove Ditanam

Murid Independent School Batam Menanam Bibit Mangrove di Sungai Nongsa Batam

Sebagai upaya pelestarian lingkungan dan hutan mangrove, ratusan pelajar dari Independent School Batam menanam 100 bibit mangrove di sungai Nongsa. Selain menjaga pelestarian hutan mangrove, juga membekali pendidikan cinta lingkungan sejak dini.

As efforts to conserve the environment and mangrove forests, hundreds of students from Independent School Batam plant 100 mangrove seedlings in Nongsa river. In addition to keeping the conservation of the site, also provide education loving environment early.

Setibanya di lokasi, ratusan pelajar sekolah Independent School Batam itu mendapatkan pengenalan dari pemandu wisata hutan mangrove atau pohon bakau di sungai Nongsa Batam. Mereka diberikan edukasi tentang berbagai macam jenis mangrove. Kemudian daun, buah mangrove dan bibit mangrove.

Arrived at the location, hundreds of students Independent School Batam was getting recognition from the tour guide of mangrove forests in the Nongsa river, Batam. They were given education about various types of mangrove. Then the leaves, fruit mangrove and mangrove seedlings.

Setelah mendapatkan penjelasan, ratusan murid itu menuju ke lokasi penanaman pohon mangrove. Namun sebelum ke lokasi, mereka diwajibkan untuk memakai life jacket atau pelampung guna menjaga keselamatan saat naik perahu motor.

After receiving the explanation, hundreds of students were heading to a mangrove tree planting location. However, before to the location, they were required to wear a life jacket or vest in order to maintain safety while riding in a motor boat.

Menuju Lokasi Penanaman Mangrove Menggunakan Perahu Motor

Untuk menuju lokasi penanaman, dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 menit. Para murid merasa sangat antusias saat dalam perjalanan.

To the location of planting, it takes about 10 minutes. The students were very enthusiastic in that way.

Setibanya di lokasi, murid Independent School Batam itu langsung menanam ratusan bibit pohon mangrove. Dengan bergelut tanah yang berlumpur, para murid sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama itu sangat senang mendapatkan pengalaman dan  pengetahuan.

Arrived at the site, students of Independent School Batam planted hundreds of mangrove trees immediately. With muddy ground wrestling, elementary school students and junior high school were very happy to get the new experience and knowledge.

Dengan rasa senang dan penuh semangat, murid-murid Independent School Batam menanamkan bibit mangrove. Menurut mereka, hutan mangrove harus dilindungi untuk menjaga lingkungan dan ekosistim laut.

With a sense of fun and full of spirit, the students of Independent School Batam sow the seeds of mangrove. According to them, the mangrove forests should be protected to safeguard the environment and the marine ecosystem.

"Hari ini kami kesini untuk melakukan penjelajahan di hutan mangrove. Saya sangat suka karena selain menanam mangrove, kita harus melindunginya juga. Hal ini dilakukan agar ikan dapat hidup di bawah akar atau di bawah air. Jadi saya merasa senang melakukan ini dan berharap bisa kembali lagi kesini", ujar Velaa yang merupakan murid Independent School Batam.

"Today we are here to conduct exploration in the mangrove forest. I really like it because in addition to planting mangrove, we must protect it too. This is useful so that the fish can live under the roots or under water. So I am happy to do this and hope to be back here, "said Velaa, the student of Independent School Batam.

Indonesia merupakkan negara yang memiliki hutan mangrove terbanyak di dunia. Namun disebagian wilayah Indonesia, pohon mangrove dirusak untuk kepentingan pribadi. Sebagian orang mengambil pasir di bawah pohon mangrove.

Indonesia is one of the country that has many mangrove forests ecosystem in the world. However, in some areas of Indonesia, mangrove trees is destroyed for personal use. Some people take the sand under a mangrove tree.

Sementara itu, tujuan penanaman bibit pohon mangrove ini untuk pengenalan kepada murid-murid tentang pentingnya menjaga kelestarian hutan mangrove. Ada 100 buah bibit pohon mangrove yang ditaman di sekitar perairan Nongsa Batam.

Meanwhile, the purpose of this mangrove tree planting for the introduction to the students about the importance of conserving mangrove forests. There were 100 tree mangrove seedlings which is planted around Nongsa River, Batam.

"Satu per tiga pohon mangrove di dunia ada di Indonesia. Kita harus bangga dengan banyaknya pohon mangrove. Namun ada juga yang merusaknya sehingga perlu diajarkan mulai usia dini”, kata Ramdani Chancellor sebagai kepala sekolah Independent School Batam.

"One-third of mangrove trees in the world is in Indonesia. We should be proud of the number of mangrove trees. But there is also the people who destroy it. So it needs to be taught from the age of early ", said Ramdani Chancellor as principal Independent School Batam.

Setelah melakukan penanaman bibit pohon mangrove, ratusan murid itu kembali ke daratan dengan menggunakan perahu motor. Mereka berharap bisa kembali lagi untuk melakukan hal yang sama dalam penanaman bibit pohon mangrove.

After planting mangrove trees, hundreds of students returned to the mainland by boat. They hope to come back again to do the same thing in a planting of mangrove trees.

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