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Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Siang itu cuaca sangat cerah. Matahari mulai menampakan cahayanya. Langit berwarna biru yang terlihat begitu indah. Hembusan angin perlahan ikut menusuk sukma.
That afternoon the weather was very sunny. The sun began to reveal the light. Blue sky was looked so beautiful. The breeze was slowly come piercing in the soul.
Tanpa disengaja, awalnya bocah udik mencoba mengunjungi sebuah hotel mewah. Hotel itu baru saja dibuka. Dari luar begitu menggoda. Ternyata itu hotel sudah bertaraf internasional.
Unintentionally, bocah udik tried to visit a luxury hotel. The hotel has just opened. From the outside, the hotel is so tempting. Bocah udik just knew that it is already an international-class hotel.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. Itulah nama hotelnya. Terletak di Jalan Ahmad Yani, Muka Kuning, Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Di Indonesia, Best Western Premier berpusat di Jakarta. Ada 13 Best Western Premier di Indonesia. Dan untuk Batam baru saja dibuka.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. That's the name of its hotel. Located on Jalan Ahmad Yani, Muka Kuning, Batam, Riau Islands Province. In Indonesia, head office of Best Western Premier based in Jakarta. There are 13 Best Western Premier in Indonesia. And it just opened in Batam newly.
Di Asia, Best Western Premier memiliki pusat di Bangkok. Sedangkan di dunia, pusatnya ada di Phoenix, Arizona, Amerika. Uniknya, Best Western Premier selalu mengangkat kebudayaan daerah dimana hotel itu berada. Untuk di Batam, Best Western Premier Panbil Batam mengangkat kebudayaan Sumatera Utara.
In Asia, Best Western Premier has head office in Bangkok. If in the world, the head office is in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Uniquely, the Best Western Premier always put the culture of the area where the hotel is located. For Batam, Best Western Premier Panbil put the culture of North Sumatra.
Bocah udik langsung masuk ke Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. Begitu sampai di Lobby, suasananya sungguh istimewa. Disana tersedia free computer yang sudah terhubung wifi, welcome snack and drink minuman untuk siapapun yang sedang ada di lobby, tatanan kursi dan meja yang rapi, intinya sangat luxury.
Bocah udik went into the Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. In the Lobby, the condition is really special. In there, available free computers that are connected with wifi, welcome snack and drink beverages to anyone who is in the lobby, arrangement of the chairs and tables were immaculate, the point is very luxury.
Sebuah hotel akan terlihat nyaman jika lobby tertata begitu indah. Best Western Premier Panbil Batam boleh dikatakan nyaman karena begitu mempesona. Memiliki Receptionist dan para staff lainnya yang ramah. Benar-benar membuat pengunjung akan betah untuk tinggal disana.
A comfortable hotel will be known if the lobby arranged so wonderful. Best Western Premier Batam Panbil could be said comfortable because it is so fascinating. Having Receptionist and other staffs who are friendly. Really make visitors feel comfort to stay in there.
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Lobby of Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Kepada receptionist, bocah udik langsung bertanya type kamar yang tersedia. Ternyata di Best Western Premier Panbil Batam ada enam Type dengan total kamar sebanyak 233 kamar. Mulai type superior, deluxe, executive, junior suite, executive suite, hingga Presidential suite room. Harganya juga cukup terjangkau dengan hotel sekelas bintang 4 plus.
To the receptionist, bocah udik asked the types of rooms which is available. In Best Western Premier Panbil Batam, there are six Type of rooms and as many as 233 rooms. Start from type superior, deluxe, executive, junior suites, executive suites, until the Presidential suite room. The price is also quite affordable with a 4 plus stars hotel.
Lalu bocah udik memilih kamar Executive Suite Room dengan harga Rp 2,088 juta per malam. Begitu buka pintu kamar, bocah udik terhipnotis seketika. Executive Suite Room di Best Western Premier Panbil Batam sangat fantastis.
Then bocah udik chose Executive Suite Room. Its cost Rp 2,088 million per night. When opened the door of its room, bocah udik was hypnotized instantly. Executive Suite Room at the Best Western Premier Panbil Batam is very fantastic.
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Executive Suite Room at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Di kamar itu, ruangannya cukup besar. Ada tersedia sofa, meja makan, televisi, minibar, dan fasilitas lainnya. Sungguh tidak mau keluar kamar dibuatnya. Benar-benar mau tinggal selamanya disana karena begitu nyaman.
In that room, the room is big enough. There are provided a sofa, dining table, TV, minibar, and other facilities. It really made bocah udik did not want out of the room. Really want to stay in there forever because of very comfortable.
Untuk minibar, Best Western Premier Panbil Batam menyediakan berbagai snack dan minuman. Jika nantinya habis, room service akan menggantinya tanpa dikenakan biaya. Dan ini berlaku untuk semua type kamar disana.
For minibar, Best Western Premier Panbil Batam serves a variety of snacks and drinks. If the minibar is discharged, room service will replace it without charge. And it applies to all types of rooms in there.
Sore pun tiba. Bocah udik menuju lantai dua. Disana tersedia kolam renang, whirpool, sauna, dan fasilitas lainnya. Kolam renangnya begitu indah dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa. Akhirnya bocah udik langsung berenang disana. Di kolam renang itu hanya tamu saja yang boleh menggunakannya. Tidak terbuka untuk siapa saja.
And the evening come. Bocah udik went to the second floor. There's a swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna, and other facilities. The swimming pool is so beautiful with incredible views. Finally bocah udik swam in there. The swimming pool is allowed for the guests who use it. Not open to anyone.
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Infinite Swimming Pool at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Setelah selesai renang, bocah udik menelusuri hotel itu. Di Lantai 15 ada roof top bar dengan nama La Bella Vita Resto. Tampak pemandangan yang mewah dari atas sana. Begitu nyata pemandangan kota Batam. Indah dan membuat mata tidak terpejam.
After finished swimming in infinite pool, bocah udik was looking all rooms the hotel. On the 15th floor, there is a roof top bar with the name of La Bella Vita Resto. Looks very luxurious view from up there. The real view of Batam. Beautiful and makes the eyes can not be closed.
Akhirnya bocah udik kembali ke kamar. Di dalam kamar, bocah udik menghubungi teman kantor menggunakan telepon hotel. Langsung saja terhubung tanpa ada biaya alias free local calling. Dan itu merupakan fasilitas dari Best Western Premier Panbil Batam.
Finally bocah udik returned to the room. In the room, bocah udik called a friend using the hotel's phone. It was connected without any cost or free local calling. And it is a facility of the Best Western Premier Panbil Batam.
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La Bella Vita Resto at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Keesokan harinya, bocah udik sarapan di Restaurant Andaliman yang terletak di lobby. Sarapannya berlaku untuk dua orang, namun sayang bocah udik saat itu check in sendiri tanpa seorang kekasih.
The next day, bocah udik has breakfast at Restaurant Andaliman. It is located in the lobby. The Breakfast is valid for two people, but unfortunately bocah udik check in by himself without girlfriend.
Sesudah sarapan, bocah udik balik ke kamar lagi. Tidak berapa lama, ada panggilan ke Singapura. Saat itu, bocah udik bingung karena tidak ada kendaraan. Bocah udik berbicara kepada receptionist untuk diantar ke Pelabuhan Ferry Batam Centre. Ternyata mereka bersedia. Di hotel itu ada bus antar jemput ke Pelabuhan Ferry dengan waktu tertentu. Langsung saja bocah udik meminta untuk diantarkan kesana.
After breakfast, bocah udik went back to the room again. Suddenly, there was a calling from Singapore. At that time, bocah udik was confused because there was no vehicle to deliver him to the Port of International Ferry Batam Centre. Bocah udik spoke to the receptionist to deliver to the Port. And the receptionist agreed it. In Best Western Premier Panbil Batam, there is a shuttle bus to the Port of International Ferry Batam Centre at a certain time. Bocah udik asked to be delivered in there immediately.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam memberikan harga yang murah dengan hotel sekelas bintang 4 plus. Jika bocah udik memilih kamar Executive Suite Room yang harganya Rp 2,088 juta per malam, disana masih ada yang lebih murah lagi sekitar Rp 8,88 ribu per malam.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam provides cheap price with class 4 star plus hotel. If bocah udik chose Executive Suite Room which cost Rp 2,088 million per night, there is cheaper price again around Rp 8,88 thousand per night.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam letaknya juga sangat strategis. Hanya 15 menit dari Pelabuhan Internasional Ferry Batam Centre, 15 menit dari Mega Mall, 20 menit dari Bandara Internasional Hang Nadim Batam.
Best Western Premier Panbil Batam location is very strategic. Just 15 minutes from the International Port of Batam Centre Ferry, 15 minutes from Mega Mall, 20 minutes from Hang Nadim International Airport Batam.
Jadi, ayo ke Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. Bocah udik saja sudah check in disana dengan harga yang murah. Kamu kapan lagi?
So, let's come to the Best Western Premier Panbil Batam. Bocah udik just had checked in there with a cheap price. When will your turn?
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Free Computer an Wifi in Lobby Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
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Executive Suite Room at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
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Bath room of Executive Suite Room at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
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Minibar and All Facilities at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
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The Picture in La Bella Vita Resto at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
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The View from La Bella Vita Resto at Best Western Premier Panbil Batam |
Keren banget hotelnya, jarang bisa lihat view hijai di daerah batam, nice share bocah udik
ReplyDeleteIya bg. Viewnya bagus banget. Terima kasih ya bg
DeleteKeceh ya hotelnya.. Pengen deh staycation di sana...
ReplyDeleteKece badai kak. Ayo staycation disana secepatnya. Masa kalau sama bocah udik :D
DeleteWah bocah udik nginap di sana kok gak ngajak-ngajak siiiih :D
ReplyDeleteMau ngajak kakak, takut ada yang marah... Hehehe...
DeleteNext aja deh ya
Duh keceh kalinya hotelnya, ada view danau lagi hadehh keren keren
ReplyDeleteKalau kesana, dijamin ga akan mau pulang ke rumah lagi bang :D