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Menikah merupakan hal yang sangat sakral di dalam hidup. Bukan hanya sekedar kawin, tapi harus juga bertujuan ibadah dan dapat mempertahankan serta mempertanggungjawabkan hingga akhir hayat bersama pasangan dan keluarga kita. Jangan memutuskan sesuatu dengan asal-asalan. Kita tidak boleh menikah hanya karena sudah memasuki waktunya atau karena menganggap mudah, namun kenyataanya berbalik arah.
Yakinkan diri sendiri untuk menikah. Tanya dan mantapkan hati yang paling dalam. Jangan karena sudah waktunya menikah, lantas langsung saja mencari pasangan. Ingatlah segala konsekuensinya kelak. Hal yang dilakukan secara terpaksa dan tidak pikir panjang, akan menyebabkan penyesalan seumur hidup atau kecewa.
Menikah bukanlah mainan, karenanya kita harus belajar memahami pasangan. Mengenalnya lebih dekat dalam waktu yang cukup lama akan membuat kita luwes dan tidak menyesali keputusan untuk menikahinya. Tuhan juga sudah menyediakan jodoh yang sempurna untuk kita perjuangkan. Ketika tiba sosok yang lucu dari hasil buah cinta kita, sudah siapkah untuk menjadi panutan bagi keluarga kecil kita?
Dari ulasan diatas, aku mau berbagi pengalaman pribadi ku. Aku belum menikah dan hingga saat ini belum kepikiran untuk menikah. Sering juga aku mengatakan kepada teman-temanku bahwa aku memutuskan tidak mau menikah.
Dalam sebuah rumah tangga, terkadang aku melihat banyak pria yang selingkuh dari istrinya. Begitu juga dengan istrinya yang tidak jarang mencari kepuasan dari pria lain. Hal tersebut membuat pernikahan tidak berjalan mulus yang berakhir dengan perceraian. Jika perceraian terjadi, maka kita tahu kalau yang menjadi korban nantinya adalah anak-anak.
Banyak anak yang frustasi dan stress jika menjadi korban perceraian kedua orang tuanya. Namun ada juga yang hidup normal karena kedua orang tuanya dapat memberikan pemahaman sejak dini dan berhasil menutupi perceraiannya.
Aku pernah melihat seorang anak yang berusia sekitar 16 tahun seperti mengalami kekerasan psikis. Kedua orang tuanya sudah bercerai karena sang ayah selingkuh dan menikah lagi. Sementara sang ibu menjadi tulang punggung bagi keluarganya. Setiap hari, sang anak hanya bisa menangis melihat kondisi keluarganya. Setiap kali merasa kangen dengan ayahnya, dia melihat rekaman CD pesta khitanan abang kandungknya. Beruntung si anak tersebut tidak terjerumus ke hal yang negatif. Namun sayang dirinya putus sekolah.
Ada juga pengalamanku yang berbeda. Seorang anak dibawa oleh ayahnya yang menikah lagi dengan wanita lain. Itu artinya si anak tinggal bersama ayah dan ibu tirinya. Dari dulu, kita tahu bahwa sosok ibu tiri merupakan figur yang kejam dan suka menyiksa. Hal itu benar karena aku pernah melihat anak tersebut disiksa oleh ibu tirinya kalau sang ayah tidak ada di rumah alias bekerja.
Jika anak tinggal dengan ayah tiri, tidak jarang muncul pemberitaan di media yang mengabarkan tentang ayah tiri mencabuli anaknya. Itu merupakan hal yang sangat pahit dalam kenyataan hidup. Lagi-lagi anak menjadi korban perceraian kedua orang tuanya.
Dari kejadian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa menikah bukanlah hal yang sangat mudah. Banyak hal yabg harus dipikirkan. Kalau menikah hanya sekedar menikah dan menyalurkan hawa nafsu, maka bisa menjadi sia-sia. Ingatlah dampak yang muncul nantinya. Tapi yang paling utama, manikah harus bisa meyakinkan hati dengan tujuan ibadah.
Married is a very sacred thing in life. Not just be marry, but also to worship or should be retained and commit until the end of life with our partner and family. Do not decide something randomly. We should not married just because the time or be easy, but the reality is reversed.
Convince ourselves to get married. Ask to the deepest our heart. Do not because the time to get married, then immediately just looking for a partner. Remember all the consequences later. The things that are done by force and not think too much, will cause the regret for life or disappointed.
Married is not a game, so we must learn to understand our partner. Knowing them closer for a long time will make us be flexible and do not regret the decision to marry them. God also provide the perfect partner for us to strive for. When come the cute angel of our love, have we ready to be a role model for our little family?
From the reviews above, I want to share my personal experience. I'm not married and until now not think to get married yet. Often I also told my friends that I'm not going to marry.
In a household, sometimes I see many men cheating on their wives. And also with their wives who are not rare to find satisfaction from other men. It makes marriage does not go smoothly that ended with divorce. If the divorce occurs, then we know that the victims will be children.
Many children are frustrated and stressed if they become victims of their parents' divorce. But there are also who get a normal life because both their parents can give understanding early and managed to cover their divorce.
I've ever seen a child about 16 years old. He was like experiencing psychic violence. His parents have divorced because his father cheated and remarried. And his mother became a hero for his family. Every day, the child only cried to see the condition of his family. Whenever he miss with his father, he saw a CD recording of his brother's circumcision party. How lucky the child did not fall into the negative thing. But unfortunately he dropped out of his school.
There was also different experiences. A child was brought by her father who remarried. It means the child lives with his father and stepmother. Based on the story in past, we know that the stepmother is a cruel and torturous figure. That's true because I've seen the child being tortured by her stepmother if the father was not at home or work.
If children live with stepfather, always appear in the media that tells of a stepfather molesting his stepdaughter. That is a very bitter thing in the reality of life. Again and again, children become the victim of divorce of the parents.
From these story, it can be concluded that marriage is not a very easy thing. There are many things to think about. If married just to get married and take the passions, then it can be waste. Remember the impact that will comes later. But most of all, married must be able to convince the heart with the purpose of worship.
Convince ourselves to get married. Ask to the deepest our heart. Do not because the time to get married, then immediately just looking for a partner. Remember all the consequences later. The things that are done by force and not think too much, will cause the regret for life or disappointed.
Married is not a game, so we must learn to understand our partner. Knowing them closer for a long time will make us be flexible and do not regret the decision to marry them. God also provide the perfect partner for us to strive for. When come the cute angel of our love, have we ready to be a role model for our little family?
From the reviews above, I want to share my personal experience. I'm not married and until now not think to get married yet. Often I also told my friends that I'm not going to marry.
In a household, sometimes I see many men cheating on their wives. And also with their wives who are not rare to find satisfaction from other men. It makes marriage does not go smoothly that ended with divorce. If the divorce occurs, then we know that the victims will be children.
Many children are frustrated and stressed if they become victims of their parents' divorce. But there are also who get a normal life because both their parents can give understanding early and managed to cover their divorce.
I've ever seen a child about 16 years old. He was like experiencing psychic violence. His parents have divorced because his father cheated and remarried. And his mother became a hero for his family. Every day, the child only cried to see the condition of his family. Whenever he miss with his father, he saw a CD recording of his brother's circumcision party. How lucky the child did not fall into the negative thing. But unfortunately he dropped out of his school.
There was also different experiences. A child was brought by her father who remarried. It means the child lives with his father and stepmother. Based on the story in past, we know that the stepmother is a cruel and torturous figure. That's true because I've seen the child being tortured by her stepmother if the father was not at home or work.
If children live with stepfather, always appear in the media that tells of a stepfather molesting his stepdaughter. That is a very bitter thing in the reality of life. Again and again, children become the victim of divorce of the parents.
From these story, it can be concluded that marriage is not a very easy thing. There are many things to think about. If married just to get married and take the passions, then it can be waste. Remember the impact that will comes later. But most of all, married must be able to convince the heart with the purpose of worship.
Couldn't agree more.
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